Key Issue One: Event Waste Management and Minimisation Plans
The draft Bylaw proposes a change where every event held on Council-owned or managed land will require an event waste management and minimisation plan (WMMP) as part of the event approval process.
How will this differ from what we do now?
This proposal will apply to all events on Council-owned and managed land, while our current practice only requires a WMMP for significant events. A significant event is an event that requires a road closure and/or attracts more than 1,000 attendees across the event. Most public events held in the district meet this threshold.
What are the alternatives?
Status quo – Continue to require a WMMP for significant events on Council-owned and managed land but not every event. This gives Council fewer opportunities to help educate people how to “Bin It Right”. Better waste management helps educate the public, divert waste from landfill and generates less greenhouse gases.
No WMMP required – Do not require a WMMP at all. This is the least helpful option in terms of helping to educate the public, reducing waste to landfill, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
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