Pudding Hill Stockwater Intake Public Consultation

Welcome to the Pudding Hill Intake Stockwater Public Consultation page.

Council will be exiting the provision of its stockwater service from 30 June 2027.

While we have individually surveyed property owners who receive and pay for the stockwater from the Pudding Hill intake, Council is also seeking feedback from residents/individuals/groups who have an interest in this section of the stockwater network that travels from the Pudding Hill Stream intake down Mt Harding Stream to Scarness Weir and Draytons Gate from where it is directed across to the north and flows down to just above the Rakaia township.

This is an opportunity for you to provide your thoughts and feedback on Council's decision to exit the provision of stockwater from the Pudding Hill stockwater intake scheme area shown in the map below.

Feedback on the Pudding Hill intake and its associated network will close on Tuesday 4 March 2025.

Pudding Hill stockwater intake map

Pudding Hill stockwater map