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Should we extend the EA Networks Centre stadium?

Me whakawhānui rānei te taiwhaka EA Networks Centre?

The EA Networks Centre (EANC) stadium currently has four indoor courts and two outdoor courts. At peak times, our stadium is at capacity, and we don’t have enough courts to meet current demand.

We’re proposing to extend the stadium to provide more indoor courts, starting in 2028/29 with an estimated cost of $23.7 million. Once a final decision on the stadium size is known, initial scoping and build methodology would be finalised. This could result in a lower project cost. However, at this stage a traditional design and build method has been costed.

What are the options?

  • Option 1

    Two court extension

    Two new courts would be added to the stadium. This option includes additional spectator seating, storage and alternative entrances to enable two separate smaller events to occur at once.

  • Option 2 (preferred option)

    Three court extension

    Three new courts would be added to the stadium. This option includes incorporating three multipurpose courts, repurposing the existing concertina seating for a more suitable area, and building an area for play (e.g. trampoline, foam pit, climbing area). The extension would be a separated area, allowing other activities to continue in the existing stadium without disruption. The new area would be an event court area with seating, a viewing area and provision for cameras.

  • Option 3

    Do nothing

    This is the status quo option. No extension of the stadium would happen in the next 10 years. We would continue to manage the use of the stadium within the current capacity. However, we could revisit this project in future.

Options 1 and 2

For both options 1 and 2, planning and design is proposed for 2028/29, and construction would happen between 2029 and 2031.

Also under both of these options, alternative flooring options would be explored for use to make it more versatile and suitable for other non-sporting purposes.

Option Analysis

Learn more about the costs, advantages and disadvantages of each option.

What will it cost?

Advantages & Disadvantages

Capital: $16.4 million (Years 5-7)

Operating: $382,000 in Year 6, peaking at $1.56million in Year 8.

Debt: Would increase by $16.4 million (Years 5-7)

Rates: Approximately extra $21 per UAGC from year 6, peaking at $81 in Year 8 and then reducing over time for 40 years


  • Goes some way to meeting the community requirements.
  • Consistent response to the findings of the Recreation Facilities Utilisation Study.


  • Unlikely to address all capacity issues for sporting groups seeking court space
  • Will not address short-term capacity issues over the next 5 years.

What will it cost?

Advantages & Disadvantages

Capital: $23.7 million (Years 5-7) (includes inflation)

Operating: $552,000 in Year 6, peaking at $2.248 million in Year 8.

Debt: Would increase by $23.7 million (Years 5-7)

Rates: Approximately extra $31 per UAGC from Year 6, peaking at $117 in Year 8 and then reducing over time for 40 years


  • Meets the demand we are seeing for stadium space and future-proofs for additional growth.
  • Potential economic benefit - conversations with major sporting organisations have confirmed that three courts would offer EA Networks Centre the ability to host a numerous national and regional sporting events, delivering significant economic benefits to the community.
  • Consistent response to the findings of the Recreation Facilities Utilisation Study
  • Maximises the EA Networks Centre site.


  • This is the most expensive option
  • Will not address short-term capacity issues over the next 5 years.

What will it cost?

Advantages & Disadvantages

Cost: $0

Debt: $0

Rates: $0


  • Requires no additional funding.


  • Participation in sport would be restricted to current levels.
  • No wider opportunities to expand use of the stadium could be taken up.
  • This would be inconsistent with the findings of the Recreation Facilities Utilisation Study which was an action in the Play, Active Recreation and Sport Strategy 2022.

Why are we proposing to extend the stadium?

Last year we completed a study to assess the use of recreational facilities across the district. This study showed that the EA Networks Centre stadium is experiencing a high level of usage. While it’s pleasing to see a community asset so well supported, it’s also leading to capacity challenges.

During peak times (5pm-9pm) in winter, occupancy reaches 96% on weekdays and 70% on Saturdays. Bookings surged from 3,116 hours in 2021/22 to 4,209 hours in 2022/23 and projections indicate that demand for the facility will only keep growing.

Compounding the issue is the increasing number of sporting groups who struggle to get sufficient court time. Expanding the stadium will help address these issues, give more sporting groups a chance to meet their needs and allow for district growth. Increased capacity will also help attract regional and national sporting events and tournaments to the centre that provide an economic benefit to the district.

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