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If we invest in water-based leisure, where should it be?

Ki te haumi mātau ki kā mahi rēhia i te wai, me tū ki kea?

In response to ongoing requests from the community, there are four water- based leisure projects that have been proposed. Except for the hydroslide ($3-4 million), each is priced at about $3 million. Although we'd like to do all of them, we can't afford it.

All options are loan funded, meaning it would be considered an investment and the money would not go to another (non-waterplay related) project if we decide to not do any of the proposed projects. We'd like to know which project you prefer for us to proceed with or, if you don’t want us to do any of the options at all.

What are the options?

  • Option 1

    Refurbishing Tinwald Pool

    The Tinwald Pool would be repaired and relined with a full replacement of piping and plant. The rebuild only improves the pool itself, no work is included in the budget to improve the changing rooms, entrance and lifeguard facilities. Like with all renovation projects, there are likely to be unknown costs associated with this project. If this option isn’t chosen, the pool will be permanently closed and an alternative use for the site investigated.

  • Option 2

    Creating a new waterplay area at Ashburton Domain

    The children’s paddling pool in the Ashburton Domain would be replaced with a new waterplay and paddling pool facility. This would sit in a new location alongside the children’s playground area. The project would include a new paddling pool, a splash deck, and other waterplay features. If this option isn’t chosen, the current paddling pool will be able to be used in the short to medium term.

  • Option 3 (preferred option)

    Building an outdoor pool at EA Networks Centre

    An enclosed and landscaped area with an outdoor pool would be built at EA Networks Centre. The pool would likely include an integrated child splash area/beach entry, as well as outdoor spaces to relax. Co-locating the outdoor pool at EA Networks Centre will make lifeguarding the pool easier than at Tinwald. It is envisioned that the lifeguards would rotate through the area.

  • Option 4

    Building a hydroslide at EA Networks Centre

    A hydroslide would be added to the current indoor pool at the EA Networks Centre. Initially one slide would be built with a further slide able to be added later.

  • Option 5

    Do nothing

    This is the status quo option. No investment in these projects would happen in the next 10 years.

Option Analysis

Learn more about the costs, advantages and disadvantages of each option.

What will it cost?

Advantages & Disadvantages

Capital: $3.025 million (loan funded)

Operating: Approximately net costs of $480,000 from year 3 slowly decreasing over a 20-year period.

Debt: Would increase by $3.025 million (Year 1-$155k/ Year 2 a further $2.87 million)

Rates: Approximately extra $26 per UAGC from year 3 slowly decreasing over a 20-year period.


  • Tinwald Pool is retained for use by locals.
  • Responds to the requests of some in the community.
  • Provides an alternative urban pool option when EA Networks Centre is closed for maintenance.
  • Public swimming options (in summer) are offered in different locations in Ashburton District.
  • Some income generated by pool entrance fees.


  • High investment to repair with similar to what is there now.
  • High investment for a small number of users.
  • Likely to be used predominantly by Tinwald and other Ashburton residents but paid for by ratepayers across the district (like the EANC).
  • Highest operating costs per opening hours of all the options.
  • Would not solve the Swim School capacity issue at EA Networks Centre.
  • Would not solve the lifeguard shortage issue.

What will it cost?

Advantages & Disadvantages

Capital: $3.025 million (loan funded)

Operating: Approximately net costs of $451,000 from Year 3 slowly decreasing over a 20-year period.

Debt: Would increase by $3.025 million (Year 1-$155k/Year 2 a further $2.87 million.

Rates: Approximately extra $25 per UAGC from Year 3 slowly decreasing over a 20-year period.


  • Remains a free activity and therefore has less barriers to use than the other options.
  • Does not require lifeguards and is not restricted by opening hours.
  • Enhances current paddling pool offering to also include a splash deck and other water activities.
  • Able to be modernised and future proofed due to re-locating rather than upgrading.
  • In line with Ashburton Domain Development Plan and current Long Term Plan 2021-31.
  • Responds to the requests of the community for an upgraded paddling pool at the Ashburton Domain.


  • Tinwald Pool would be closed permanently.
  • Does not appeal to a broader age range.
  • May be deemed unnecessary given the current pool could continue to operate in the short-medium term with a new building that houses the filtration equipment, which is already budgeted for.

What will it cost?

Advantages & Disadvantages

Capital: $3.025 million (loan funded)

Operating: Approximately net costs of $480,000 from year 3 slowly decreasing over a 20-year period.

Debt: Would increase by $3.025 million (Year 1-$155k/ Year 2 a further $2.87 million)

Rates: Approximately extra $26 per UAGC from year 3 slowly decreasing over a 20-year period.


  • Greater opening hours than the Tinwald Pool due to greater flexibility with utilising lifeguards at EA Networks Centre.
  • Lower operating costs than Tinwald Pool in relation to opening hours due to less lifeguards required.
  • Would be built to modern pool design and standards.
  • Customers would be able to utilise other EA Networks Centre facilities.
  • Provides an alternative pool option when the indoor pool is closed for maintenance.
  • Some income generated by pool entrance fees.


  • Tinwald Pool would be closed permanently
  • Upgrading of the Ashburton Domain paddling pool area not currently included in this LTP, but could be reviewed in 3 years
  • May be seen as an extravagant option given there are several outdoor community pools across the district already.

What will it cost?

Advantages & Disadvantages

Capital: $3.5 million (loan funded)

Operating: Approximately net costs of $403,000 from year 3 slowly decreasing over a 20-year period.

Debt: Would increase by $3.5 Million (Year 1-2)

Rates: Approximately extra $22 per UAGC from year 3 slowly decreasing over a 20-year period (lowest rate due to highest expected income)


  • Available for use all year round.
  • Meets the requests for more activities for teenagers within the district.
  • Will generate additional income as the users would pay an additional cost.
  • Council could enter joint venture and save costs and have a renewed slide after 20 years.


  • Tinwald Pool would be closed permanently.
  • Upgrading of the Ashburton Domain paddling pool area not currently included in this LTP, but could be reviewed in 3 years.
  • Depending on the design, this option may not be able to be used by young children (e.g. under 5s).
  • Depending on design features, this option may be the most expensive option ($3.5 million) but could be subject to a cost lowering joint venture agreement with a specialist hydroslide company if desired.

What will it cost?

Advantages & Disadvantages

Capital: $0

Operating: minimal costs to keep current paddling pool in the domain operating.

Debt: $0

Rates: $0


  • Costs would be minimal.


  • Tinwald Pool would be closed permanently.
  • Upgrading of the Ashburton Domain paddling pool area not currently included in this LTP, but could be reviewed in 3 years.
  • Does not meet the requests of the community for more options for teenage entertainment, an upgraded paddling pool, or the request to save the Tinwald Pool.
  • Does not help to solve the swim school capacity issues at EA Networks Centre.
  • Outdoor water leisure options would be limited to township outdoor pools across the district during summer.

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2 Baring Square East, Ashburton 7700